Enterprise Edition

What just described is for free and is part of the Community Edition of 4WS.Platform. In addition to this open source layer, there is also an Enterprise Edition of 4WS.Platform, composed of the open source layer plus a series of enterprise level modules, that can be bought separately, if needed. These modules are:

  • Authentication module based on the LDAP protocol ; this sub-system can synchronize with an LDAP server to copy users and roles to the local tables, so that authentication and roles definition are always up to date with the ones defined in the central LDAP server.

  • Scheduler , in order to automatically run business components or commands to execute from the shell. Scheduling can be defined through several settings, including frequency, activation date and time, input parameters. Email notifications are also supported, according to the process exit code. Process execution history is also available and automatically cleaned up over time.

  • BPM integration . Through the BPM graphical designer it is possible to define workflows and use them within the application, for instance to execute complex business logic at certain application events, such as before or after an insert/update/delete of a data object. This feature avoids the need for custom code to implement complex logic, that can be realized by means of a business process withing the BPM engine.

  • Advanced form designer , used to graphically design a form, using drag ‘n drop techniques and components palette, to speed up and make it easier the development of complex forms, including folders, subfolders, subpanes.

  • Mobile interpreter, a mobile app for Android and iOS platforms, which is able to interpret the metadata defined through the app designer and create mobile apps that are deployed through AppStore or Google Play once, and then easily updated any number of times, through the synchronization process supported by 4WS.Platform, which allows the transfer of metadata and data to make the mobile app always up to date.

  • Lotus Notes Migration Tool, helps organizations having developed Lotus Notes applications over time to migrate data structures, data, files and applications to a modern architecture, as the one provided by Platform.

  • Docx template reporting a module that simplifies the creation of reports starting from a template created using Microsoft Word or Open Office; basic skills are required when creating the template, thanks to the user of widespread tools. Once deployed the template into Platform and mapped values to fill in, the report can be attached to any part of Platform, such as a menu item or a grid or form.

  • Google Collaboration which is composed of a series of plugins able to connect to GMail, Calendar and Drive starting from a Google Domain

  • Document Management which consists of a layer able to communicate with Alfresco ECM; in this way, it is possible to enhance Platform capabilities by including document management features such as documents search, setting metadata, upload/download/preview, lock/unlock and document versioning/tagging/rating. Moreover, a new

  • Embedded CMS module has been added, completely integrated with the rest of the Platform

  • No SQL Plugin for Google Datastore Google Datastore is the Google NO SQL solution on the cloud. Platform can connect to Datastore and manage entities and queries to create highly scalable web applications.

  • No SQL Plugin for Mongo DB

    Mongo DB is one of the most popular and powerful NO SQL databases available at the moment. Platform can connect to Mongo DB and manage collections and queries to create highly scalable web applications.

  • Custom fields module which allows to include additional database fields and consequently additional columns and controls in the same application, with management and visibility defined at tenant level

  • Data audit – automatic recording of user writing operations, in order to trace over time data changes at user level

  • Life cycle management & Jira integration – Manage projects, releases, epics, sprints and user stories thanks to Jira Software and Platform, which are strongly integrated in order to provide a great solution to manage the life cycle management within Platform as well as using Jira.

  • Machine Learning – This A.I. tool is based on Google Tensor Flow module, through which it is possible to define predictive models, train/test and use them to make predictions. This module can be particularly helpful in those scenarios where there is a large amount of data available but it is hard to figure out behaviors hidden on that data: a prediction model can identify a model behind data and use it to classify data e make decisions based on such classification.

  • High scalability using Platform for GAE an ad-hoc version of Platform for Google AppEngine, an high scalable web engine able to manage web services with very high volume of requests

Last updated

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