Model Creation
The Web Modeler can be started by clicking on the "Create" or "Edit" buttons in the "Models" window, accessible starting from the "Processes" window. When you want to create a new process, the first step is to create its static representation, i.e. the model. Once created the model, it can be converted into something runnable, i.e. the process. When pressing the "Create" button, two data are required:
id – this alphanumeric value represents the process identifier and it must be unique per installation; you can manually start a process, starting from this identifier
name – the process description.
After confirming id and name, the Web Modeler is shown, containing the starting point and the ending point, connected with each other. The Modeler is split up in 3 main areas:
on the left there is the tools palette, from which components can be dragged and dropped into the process area
the process area is located into the center main area, where components can be dropped and connected with each other
on the right, the property inspector for the currently selected component is viewed; properties can be set, in order to define the process behavior, task per task.
After modeling the process, it must be saved by pressing the "Save" button on the top of the Web Modeler. The Modeler window can finally be closed by pressing the X button on the top right of the window (be sure to press the outermost one).
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