Form Controls

The controls of a form can be:

  • Label

  • Text (normal text, email, password)

  • Multiline text

  • Number

  • Combobox

  • Checkbox

  • Date

  • Date time

  • Time

  • Button Lockup

  • Code/Description Button Lockup

  • Image (url or path)

  • Address autocomplete

Address autocomplete

This kind of field use the Google Place API for suggest a valid address to the user. In order to use this control you need a GCP project with a billing account and the Places API enabled, then:

  1. In the Cloud Console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project for which you want to add an API Key.

  2. Go to the APIs & Services > Credentials page.

  3. On the Credentials page, click Create credentials > API key.

    The API key created dialog displays your newly created API key.

  4. It's important to restrict your key by select an app id, a keystore and by select Places SDK for Android and Place SDK

  5. repeat steps 2-3-4 for iOs

  6. Finally, in the Platform Application params go to Mobile folder and set the Autocomplete key for iOs and Android

This control has 2 events:

  • select: fire when user click and address

  • change: fire after select if user select a different address from previous

In the change event you can use the method getFormPanelAddressValue for fill other fields (se API Docs).

Note: setFormPanelValue not fire any events of this fields, and getFormPanelValue return only the route not the full address.

Last updated