Property types
Five different types of properties are supported in Activiti:
String Text-field used to store any alphanumeric value
Long Text-field used to store any numeric (integer or decimal) value
Date Text-field used to store a date/date+time value In case the date must be formatted with a specific format (e.g. day-month-year rather than month-year-day), a utility method can be used to format it: utils.formatDate(…) This is helpful for instance when a date must be included the body of an email message or in the "documentation" property of a task.
Enum An enumeration is a static list of values, feasible to feed a combo-box. The grid available in the bottom part of the property definition dialog can be used to set this list of values. Both ID and NAME are required.
Boolean A Check-box field used to set a "true" or "false" value when selecting/deselecting it.
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