Variables (or parameters) are a way to dynamically define values to pass to business components on the server side or to windows/panes on the GUI. They are expressed as :VARIABLENAME.
A user can specify variables in several components:
business components : in the where clause, to specify a dynamic filter, such as the one needed to fetch a single record for a detail form
window titles : a title could be composed as the concatenation of a static text plus a dynamic content, coming for instance from the parent window. Let’s take the case of a list of orders identified by year/docnr: a user could open the detail window starting from the selected row on the list and the detail window could have as a title the year/docnr coming from the data model of the grid’s row; in that case, two variables can be defined in the detail window parameters list: one for the year, the other of the docnr and the parent window who has the task to open the detail window should pass the values for these variables
panel titles : these can be managed in the same way described for window titles
action content :passed to the server side through Ajax requests.
There are a few default variables, that do not need to be defined and set by the user: they are system variables, declared automatically by 4WS.Platform and used anywhere; these are the predefined variables: :USERNAME – username of the logged user :LANGUAGE_ID – the current language, binded to the logged user :APPLICATION_ID – the current application identifier :TODAY – a date without time :NOW – a date+time
In addition, there are some other variables, available in case 4WS.Platform is used with the default implementation based on 4WS database tables (for authentication, authorizations, menu) :COMPANY_ID :COMPANY_ID_AS_NUM :SITE_ID :YEAR :MONTH :DAY :DOW
How To: Add / Define variable on server
How To: Removecustom variable on server
Once the variable has been passed to the server and stored in the user session, you can access to it from within a server-side javascript action, through the instruction:
For the example above:utils.getVariable(“CODE”);
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