
Variables (or parameters) are a way to dynamically define values to pass to business components on the server side or to windows/panes on the GUI. They are expressed as :VARIABLENAME.

A user can specify variables in several components:

  • business components : in the where clause, to specify a dynamic filter, such as the one needed to fetch a single record for a detail form

  • window titles : a title could be composed as the concatenation of a static text plus a dynamic content, coming for instance from the parent window. Let’s take the case of a list of orders identified by year/docnr: a user could open the detail window starting from the selected row on the list and the detail window could have as a title the year/docnr coming from the data model of the grid’s row; in that case, two variables can be defined in the detail window parameters list: one for the year, the other of the docnr and the parent window who has the task to open the detail window should pass the values for these variables

  • panel titles : these can be managed in the same way described for window titles

  • action content :passed to the server side through Ajax requests.

There are a few default variables, that do not need to be defined and set by the user: they are system variables, declared automatically by 4WS.Platform and used anywhere; these are the predefined variables: :USERNAME – username of the logged user :LANGUAGE_ID – the current language, binded to the logged user :APPLICATION_ID – the current application identifier :TODAY – a date without time :NOW – a date+time

In addition, there are some other variables, available in case 4WS.Platform is used with the default implementation based on 4WS database tables (for authentication, authorizations, menu) :COMPANY_ID :COMPANY_ID_AS_NUM :SITE_ID :YEAR :MONTH :DAY :DOW

How To: Add / Define variable on server

new SyncRequest().send(contextPath+"/wagutility/sendcustomappluservar?applicationId="+window.applicationId+"&code=CODE&value=VALUE", "POST",'',"application/json");

How To: Removecustom variable on server

new SyncRequest().send(contextPath+"/wagutility/removecustomappluservar?applicationId="+window.applicationId+"&code=CODE", "POST",'',"application/json");

Once the variable has been passed to the server and stored in the user session, you can access to it from within a server-side javascript action, through the instruction:


For the example above:utils.getVariable(“CODE”);

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