Knowledge base
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A knowledge base consists of a series of already known problems and solutions. This feature is provided for the end user who has to monitor the services under control and apply some type of intervention, each time a problem is notified.
A set of predefined problems have been included with Platform: in this way common solutions for those problems are reported to the end user.
In the Events table described in the previous section a list of errors/events are reported. For some of them there is also a recognized problem (out of memory, database lock, etc.) and a solution the end user should apply in order to solve the problem.
Moreover, the Platform developer can add other problems/solutions to this knowledge base, specific of the application functionalities.
Each additional problem/solution has a “message code” used to identify it, along with the descriptions for the problem and solution. These descriptions are defined for each supported language.
In order to define a new problem/solution, go to Monitoring -> Problems and solutions.
Here you can add/modify any number of problems/solutions.
The detail window allows to define:
the message code
the problem description, for each supported language
the solution description, for each supported language
Consequently, the content for this window depends on the number of supported languages.
Note: it is not required to use the Translations feature to define the KB content.