Table panel
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Table panel (responsive layout) This container allows to include any number of sub-panels, organized with different widths , heights and row/column spans . This is the most flexible layout and also the most complex to configure. It allows to organize sub-panels in a way that they can use all the available space. Moreover, with different display sizes or when resizing the browser window, the organization of the panels can change. At panel container level, it is possible to set the maximum number of columns allowed: the content of the container will be then calculated at run-time, according to the available space.
For example, suppose you set the table panel container with a max nr of column = 2 and that you have 3 panels to add: the first is a filter panel having a fixed width and height of 400 pixels, the second panel is a grid (a component having a dynamic width), the third panel a detail form, again with afixed width and height of 400 pixels. With these settings, if your browser has a length of 1000 pixels could easily show the filter and grid in the first row and the detail form in the second. But when reducing the browser window to less than 400 pixels, the grid would automatically moved to the second row, along with the detail form. That behavior is what usually is called a responsive layout: a container whose content can be re-organized automatically, according to the current available space.
It is essential to understand how to define correctly a table panel. At panel level there is a Nr of columns property to set. For every sub-panel, you have to define an Height . For every sub-panel which does not have a dynamic width (panels having a dynamic width are grids and charts), you have to define a Width as well, otherwise it will not be possible to render it correctly. Optionally, for every sub-panel you can define also the Column span , i.e. the number of cells that the panel has to occupy horizontally. Optionally, for every sub-panel you can define also the Rows span , i.e. the number of cells that the panel has to occupy vertically. Thanks to all these settings, you can arrange the window content in a very flexible way. Please pay attention to the mandatory properties reported above: if you have not set them, the window content will not be rendered correctly, when executing the web application.
It is also possible to arrange each subpanel using a few additional settings, which can be defined using the Additional config field in the panel detail:
tableLayoutWidth: "Y" - this force the layout manager to use the weight expressed in the panels window instead of the width for the current sub-panel; this is helpful for example for sub-panels having a dynamic width, like a grid
tableLayoutSetSize: "Y" - this force the layout manager to use the width calculated through the weight and the height expressed through the panel property, each time there is a resize of the window (and also when the window is shown the first time)
minWidth: xyz - this can be using in combination with the weight defined for each sub-panel: in case there is not enough space for the current sub-panel (i.e. the proportional width is lower than the minWidth), the ones on its right will be rendered on a new line
tableAutoLayout: true this can be set on the first component and it is applied to all components in the table container: it is used to auto set the layout so that a grid (or any other variable-width component) can occupy the whole available space; do not set it if you have a highly customizable window (with a lot of CSS o custom events) which can override the default auto layout
Example: in the panel container having "table" layout there is a form panel on the left and a grid panel on the right, with weights of 1 and 2 (the grid should occupy the double of the form) and the form must have a minimum width of 300pixel, in any case. Both subpanels have the same height of 500 pixels.
The right configuration would be:
set the panel container having the "table" layout with a total number of columns of 3 (1+2)
set the form sub-panel with a weight (colspan) of 1 and an height of 500pixels
set the grid sub-panel with a weight (colspan) of 2 and an height of 500pixels
in the form sub-panel definition window, set within the "additional config" field the following settings:
in the grid sub-panel definition window, set within the "additional config" field the following settings:
Very common errors when configuring a table layout are, from the most serious to the most trivial:
forgetting the colspan & rowspan settings in the component added to the table container
do not set an height for a component
do no set a minWidth setting (additional config for a form) for a form with a multi column table layout
do not set tableLayoutWidth & tableLayoutSetSize for all variable-width components