Filter Panel

In case of filter+grid, in addition to the grid definition, the filter panel must be defined; through its definition pane the user has to define settings related to the filter component:

  • filter title (optional, can be hidden)

  • flags to show/hide border and to set panel opacity

  • filter width and height

  • text for search and clear buttons

  • number of columns and label length, used to define the labels+controls layout; it is also possible to arrange labels and controls by specifying the x and y coordinates for each of them.

Dynamic filters

In order to reduce the amount of space occupied by filter controls and hence the total amount of space occupied by the filter panel, it can be a good idea to include also dynamic controls.

A dynamic control is always added at the end of all the others and before te Search/Clear up buttons and it is composed of the fields:

  • a combo-box containing a list of filters; the user has to select one of them and the dynamic filter will be applied for that item (database field); the items included in this combobox are the filter controls defined in the filter panel which are (i) added and (ii) without an operator.

  • a combo-box containing a series of operators, like =, <, <=, is empty, etc; the user has also to select an operator, which will be used together with the filter field chosen before

  • a dynamic input field, whose type depends on the filter field type: in case of DATE type database field, a calendar input field is shown, otherwise a numeric, text, etc. input field; the user has also to fill in this input: such filter is applied only if all these fields have been filled out; note that not always the current input field is required, since it depends on the operator: if the user has selected a "is empty" or "is not empty" operator, no input field is required!

Every time a filter field is selected, a new empty filter field is also shown below it. Up to 5 filters can be shown. This limit is needed in order to put a limit in the filter panel height.

When pressing the Search button, dynamic fields completely filled out will be considered as well, and passed forward as filtering conditions to the server.

Optionally, it is also possibile to fine tune the dynamic filter behavior, using a few settings to include to the Additional Config field available in the filter panel definition:

  • autoCreateDynamicFilters - if set to true, all 5 filters are shown when opening the filter panel, each occupying a different row. Not only the filter field is shown, but also the operator and input field. As default behavior, all filter fields are pre-filled with the first item in the dropdown list of the combo-box; same for the operator combo-box.

  • dynamicFiltersWithDistinctFilters - property available only if the previous one has been set to true; if set to true, the 5 filters are pre-filled with distinct filters, from the first to the 5th one, as reported in the dropdown list of the filter combobox (in case the combobox has less than 5 items, the remaining are filled with the first one)

  • dynamicFiltersHeight - this numeric property is not needed in most of the cases and it can be used in case you want to define an height between filters different from the default one

  • dynamicFiltersWidth - this numeric property is not needed in most of the cases and it can be used in case you want to define a filter/operator combobox width different from the default value (200 pixels)

  • dynamicFilterValuesWidth - this numeric property is not needed in most of the cases and it can be used in case you want to define a filter value input field width different from the default value (200 pixels)

  • dynamicFiltersGap - this numeric property is not needed in most of the cases and it can be used in case you want to define a gap between the filter and operator comboboxes width different value from the one used as default (20 pixels).

  • dynamicFilters - this optional numeric property defines how many filters to show; if not specified, 5 filters are shown; if specified, you can define a lower number of filters 2-5 (no more than 5 is allowed)

  • dynamicFiltersDeltaBeforeHeight - this optional numeric property defines how many pixels to add (remove) before the first dynamic filter; helpful when using a custom theme where margins/insets/heights have been changed

    dynamicFiltersDeltaHeight - this optional numeric property defines how many pixels to add (remove) after the last dynamic filter and before the Search/Clear buttons; helpful when using a custom theme where margins/insets/heights have been changed.

Example of Additional Config field content of a Filter panel:

dynamicFiltersWithDistinctFilters: true,
dynamicFiltersHeight: 40,
dynamicFiltersWidth: 150,
dynamicFiltersGap: 10,
dynamicFilters: 2,
dynamicFiltersDeltaHeight: -50,
dynamicFiltersDeltaBeforeHeight: -55,


Filter types

Through the "type" property for a filter, it is possible to set a wide range of different filter controls.

Every control is usually composed of:

  • a label; it can be rendered either on the left or on top of the input field

  • an input field; according to the type, the field can be read-only (a button, an image type control) or editable or can miss at all (e.g. a label type control).

Supported types are:

  • Button - a clickable button; a click event can be linked to it, through Column Events folders

  • Checkbox - the checkbox is clickable in insert/edit grid modes; when this type is set, also Positive/Negative value properties must be set

  • Date - it shows a date formatted according to the current user language; in insert/edit mode a calendar can be opened to choose the date

  • Date+Time - it shows a date+time formatted according to the current user language; in insert/edit mode, a calendar can be opened to choose the date

  • Dynamic Combobox - a combobox where the user can type in a few characters to limit the items list or click on the trigger button to open the dropdown list, which is always paginated; data is retrieved through the server, where a business component is invoked: data is dynamic; when filling this type, the Selector property must be set too. See for more details. Optionally, it is possible to transform a dynamic combobox into a Multi-value combobox: when the user types a code within the code, it is validated in a few seconds (configurable) and the validated code is then converted into a chip and the user can continue typing other codes, always appended in the combobox field as chips. See for more details.

  • HTML Editor - an HTML editor to use to write formatted text (e.g. with bold, italics, fonts, etc)

  • Lookup Button - a "lookup button" is rendered and used to open a "lookup grid", in order to select a code from the list

  • Lookup Cod/Button - an "input text field" + "lookup button" are rendered; when losing focus from the input text field, the typed text is validated; when clicking on the button a "lookup grid" is showed, in order to select a code from the list. See for more details.

  • Lookup Cod/Button Multiselection - this is available only in a filter panel, NOT in a form/editable panel, since it allows to select multiple values at once and consequently it is incompatible with a form panel where each single-value control is mapped to a single table field. An "input text field" + "lookup button" + a list of selected codes are rendered; when losing focus from the input text field, the typed text is validated and in case of valid code, it is added to the list; when clicking on the button a "lookup grid" is showed, in order to select one or more codes at once from the list and add them to the list. See for more details.

  • Multi-value tree - this is available only in a filter panel, NOT in a form, since it allows to select multiple values at once and consequently it is incompatible with a form panel where each single-value control is mapped to a single table field. It is composed of a read-only input field where all selected codes are reported in line, each rendered as a chip; codes can be selected by clicking on the trigger button on the right, used to open a tree where multiple nodes can be checked (each node represents a code to add as a chip). See for more details.

  • Number - numeric input field, with a large variety of different properties; support for integer/decimal/currency values

  • Radio button - a radio button is rendered; they are always used combined with other radio buttons

  • Range date - an input field where 2 dates can be showed (i.e. a date interval); the trigger button on the right opens a double calendar, used to select two dates, one for each calendar. See for more details.

  • Smart filter - an input field where multiple codes can be typed and validated; each time a code is typed, after a few secs (configurable) a drop down list is showed in order to select a "category" to use to filter data according to category + typed code. After validating (selected) a code, it is appended to the input field; additional codes can be typed again, if separated by a semicolon (;). Optionally, it is possible to render a trigger button on the right to open an Advanced Filter, where a second filter panel is rendered. See for more details.

  • Static Combobox - a combobox is showed and the user can type in a few characters to limit the items list or click on the trigger button to open the dropdown list, which contains a static predefine list of items (code+description, where description is translated according to the current user language); when filling this type, the Selector property must be set too. See for more details.

  • Text - text input field

  • Text area - multi-line text field (not a very good choice for a grid...)

  • Time only - it shows a date formatted according to the current user language; a calendar can be opened to choose the date part

  • Tree Lookup - a "lookup button" is rendered: when clicking on the button a "lookup tree" is showed, in order to select a node from the list (the code to set in the cell); when filling this type, the Selector property must be set too

  • Upload to directory - an old version type; it is recommended not to use it any more

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