Scrollable paginated grid

The main features of a grid are:

  • read only grid

  • full read content or paginated reading

  • vertical and horizontal scrolling (useful in case of a large amount of columns exceeding the display width)

  • sortable columns, by tapping on the column headers

  • supported columns:

    • text field

    • check box

    • date, date+time, time

    • numeric field; decimal numbers are supported too and they are configurable in the Web Designer form panel image preview, with buttons to select an image (from the camera/image gallery) and remove it

    • file selector – e.g. a PDF file, with buttons to show the file preview and delete it.testo (per testo e numeri) decoded value, starting from an enumeration of couples <code, description to show>

    • form panel

  • support render for standard columns

  • support render for field on form columns

Render fields

With render you can change the field style or properties. Available properties are:

var obj = {};
obj.value = vo["progId"];
obj.fontName="Arial"; //the font must be present in the application
obj.label="My Label;
obj.textAlignment="right"; //right, center, left
obj.visible="Y"; // Y or N
obj.enabled="Y"; // Y or N
return convertToObjectJson(obj);
//NOTE fontName, fontStyle and fontSize must be filled in together

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