Preview panel (mobile)

Use a Preview Panel for show an HTML content. There are 5 alternative way for use this panel.

Web Page

Use a business component that returns an HTML content in a specific fields, the panel show that content.


Use a business component that returns an URL in a specific fields, the panel load that url.


Use a business component that returns an image url in a specific fields, the panel load that image.


Use a business component that returns a PDF url in a specific fields, the panel load that PDF.

HTML Template

Since 6.0.0

In this case you don't use a business component, instead you have to select a Template. You can use an "HTML Template" or an "Alert Template", in this template you can use all the available variables using the syntax :VARIABLE_NAME

additional Configurations

Since 6.0.2

The javascript code specified in the additional configurations is injected into the page after page loading.

Last updated

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