Multidimensional pivot grid
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This kind of read-only grid allows to show numeric values grouped together, according to some other dimensions, reported on the horizontal and vertical axis.
It is possible to group a numeric quantity using a variety of different grouping predefined functions:
Count Unique Values
List Unique Values
Integer Sum
Sample Variance
Sample Standard Deviation
Sum over Sum
80% Upper Bound
80% Lower Bound
Sum as Fraction of Total
Sum as Fraction of Rows
Sum as Fraction of Columns
Count as Fraction of Total
Count as Fraction of Rows
Count as Fraction of Columns
It is also possible to show the resulting aggregation of values in different type of charts:
Table Barchart
Row Heatmap
Col Heatmap
Area Chart
Bar Chart
Horizontal Bar Chart
Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart
Line Chart
Scatter Chart
Stacked Bar Chart
TSV Export
Table With Subtotal
Table With Subtotal Bar Chart
Table With Subtotal Col Heatmap
Table With Subtotal Heatmap
Table With Subtotal Row Heatmap
Moreover, a filter panel can be included in the same window, used to filter the raw data used as input to the pivot grid.
Main features supported by this multi-dimensional pivot table:
subtotals per column and row
aggregated data export in TSV format (text format, based on copy and paste of available data - see that renderer)
17 different types of charts
22 different types of aggregators
data sort support for dimensions chosen for horizontal/vertical axis
customization of the UI through CSS
customization of renderers/aggregators via Javascript
Input data for the pivot grid comes from a business component. Every field defined in the SELECT clause for this business component can be used to aggregate data or as a dimension on the horizontal/vertical axis.
Of course, only numeric fields can be used as the aggregated quantity, whereas there is no constraint on fields to use for the horizontal/vertical axis.
It is strongly recommended to not overpass a limit of 10.000 records as result set for the query defined for the business component, otherwise the pivot grid could not perform in a few seconds.
In any case, the business component is limited on the server side to not more than 50.000 records, in order to ensure the correct work of the application server.
It is available the single cell click event, if needed, in order to execute some other operation. In order to listen to the cell click event, use the "Events" folder in the pivot grid definition window and choose a "Cell click" option.
It is possible to define the available aggregator functions and/or renderers by overriding the default setting, where all of them are available for the end user.
In order to fine grained define the aggregators/renderers, use the "Events" folder in the pivot grid definition window and choose the "Before render" option.
Here you can link a client-side javascript action you can use to invoke two available predefined functions: one used to define the aggregators (deleteAggregator), the other for renderers (deleteRenderer).
For example, in case you want to maintain one only aggregator, the sum, and one only renderer, the table, you have to include the action as many deletexxx invocations as the number of renderers/aggregators available but one:
The pivot grid content can be customized in terms of font and colors.
The css/xtheme.css file defined at sub-context level (for your application) can be used to override the default CSS settings.
In this example, a few settings are changed: font for comboboxes and selector dialogs, background color for the result grid: