Custom theme editor
Through the App Designer, it is possible to define a custom theme for the mobile app. The custom theme editor can be accessed starting from the application detail window. The editor allows to define colors and fonts at a global level: these settings are then valid fot all the grids and forms. Some of these colors/font can be personalized at grid/form level, for a specific grid. The following list reports the list of custom settings, organized according to the component they work on:
main app color (used in tabbar – topbar -navigation)
background color
foreground color
Menu items – what to show as a menu item
in case of tab bar: text only, image only, text + image
in case of slide menu: text only, image only, text + image
foregound/back color
Panels container
background color
opaque flag
show/hide panel title
back/fore color for column headers
back/fore color for the selected row
back/fore color for not selected rows
show/hide row separator
separator color
show/hide column headers
Form/Filter panels
back/fore color for labels
back/fore color for input fields
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