Application Log
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This folder allows to monitor the application log generated on the server-side, like SQL queries, messages generated by server-side javascript actions, etc.
It is composed of a collapsible filter panel and the results list.
Through the filter panel it is possible to limit the amount of results, in a variety of different ways:
by limiting the time interval, in terms of starting date and/or ending date
by showing only messages matching the right severity; each logged message always has a severity, which can be one of the following:
DEBUG – the more detail message, like the SQL query or its binding variables, etc.
INFO – other informative messages
WARN – warning messages, usually related to an abnormal condition
ERROR – error messages, typically they are fired when there is misconfiguration or something wrong with the application execution
by reducing the messages to the only ones related to a specific user, identified by the specified username
by message content
by specifying the amount of results to get back; results are provided in pages: you can move from a page to the next/previous one, through the navigation bar shown on the bottom of the results list
by search type
Search matched messages
Search from first matched message
by routine, i.e. by module, like Scheduler, Mobile, etc.
Once pressed theSearch button, the log is analyzed according to the filters applied, the filter panel is minimized and the results list is shown.
When pressing the “Search last messages” button, the log is analyzed starting from the last block of messages generated, which is particularly useful when searching from something just generated by the application.
You can always access to the filter panel by clicking on the result list title bar.