Detail scrollable form

The main features of a detail form are:

  • input fields are always layout vertically from top to bottom, from left to right; the number of columns to use in the layout is configurable, but should be 1 for smartphone devices, in order to make it easy to read the form content

  • scrollable

  • controls within the form are stretched automatically horizontally, starting from a standard with of 320 pixels, so that if a specific device has a different width, controls are relocated and strecthed according to the original with of 320. Consequently, you should define a layout based on a theoretic width of 320 pixels.

  • supported input fields are:

  • text field

  • text area

  • check box

  • calendar, including a button to open a calendar

  • numeric field, including an ad hoc numeric keypad; decimal numbers are supported too and they are configurable in the App Designer form panel

  • code selector, composed of an input field and a selector button:

  • when clicking on the selector button a popup window is showed, in order to choose a code from the list of proposed codes

  • when typing a code directly on the input field, this code will be validated when loosing focus and will be emptied if the code validation fails

  • image preview, with buttons to select an image (from the camera/image gallery) and remove it

  • file selector – e.g. a PDF file, with buttons to show the file preview and delete it.

A for can be fill with a business component (Form Panel) or can exists without a business component (Editable panel).

Form Panel, Editable panel and Filter Panel support the constraints layout.

Last updated

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