Archiflow artifacts
The following schema describes Archiflow artifacts and how they are mapped in Platform:
Document Type
Data Model
Fields related to a document type
Data Model fields
a list of cards with field values
a list of data retrieved through a server-side javascript business component and sent to a grid panel
a single card with field values
data retrieved through a server-side javascript business component and sent to a form panel
a document linked to a card
a document uploaded/downloads/previews through the Platform standard file dialog, opened starting from a grid column or form control (having File Id type)
Basically, what Platform allows to do is:
read a list of cards, where each field of a card is showed as a grid cell
download/upload/preview a document linked to card, starting from a grid row
insert, update, delete cards, through the standard grid toolbar buttons
read a card, where each field of a card is showed as a form control
download/upload/preview a document linked to card, starting from a specific form control
insert, update, delete such a card, through the standard form toolbar buttons
manage programmatically all these operations, starting from server-side javascript functions, within a server-side javascript action
Last updated
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