To-do list

This window contains the list of manual tasks potentially assignable to the current logged user and list of tasks already assigned to the user, but not completed yet. A user can move a manual task from the first list to the second one: in this way, the task will be assigned to the user and no more available to the users who were candidates to start it. Alternatively, the user can assign the task not yet started to another user, who is in the list of candidates for that task. Once assigned the task, the user has to complete it, at some point. Properties linked to the manual task are shown and the user has to fill them in, at least for the ones declared mandatory.

Once of the key points about the integration between Platform and Activiti is that properties binded to a manual task become input controls of a detail form in Platform. That means that it is possible to enrich the form content using the rich set of graphics components provided by Platform, such as code selectors, combo boxes, etc.

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