How to show a message dialog

Javacript language provides the function alert() to show a message dialog: this function should never be used, since it does not inherit the theme used for the whole application.

4WS.Platform provides 3 message dialogs, having the following signature:

  • showMessageDialog(title, message, okFunc, modal, closable, opts)

  • showConfirmDialog(title, message, yesFunc, noFun, opts)

  • showInputDialog(title, message, okFunc, modal) deprecated

  • showInputDialog3(title, message, okFunc, modal, cancelFun, inputValue, width, height, closable)

  • showListDialog(title, width, height, codes, descriptions, callback, multipleSelection, closable)

  • showMoreInputDialog(title, labels, attributes, okFun, modal, cancelFun, defaultAttributesValue, attrProperties)

The first function shows a message dialog with a title, a message and a "ok" button. A callback function is invoked when pressing the "ok" button; the modal boolean flag is used to make the dialog modal or not.


showMessageDialog( "window1.title", "window1.message", function() {}, true, false, 
        "formCls" : "cls-form-alert",
        "windowCls": "",
        "windowIconCls": "",
        "yesButtonCls": "",
        "yesButtonIcon": "",
        "cancelButtonCls": "",
        "cancelButtonIcon": "",
        "switchButton": "Y", //Y=cancel-ok; N or null=ok-cancel
        "buttonAlign": "center", //"left" or "right"
        "width": 500, //optional (300 is default): 'auto' for autodimension
        "height": 300 //optional (160 is default): 'auto' for autodimension

The second function shows a message input dialog with a title, a message and two buttons: one used to confirm and the other to refuse the choice. A callback function is invoked when pressing the confirmation button; a second callback function is invoked when pressing the refusal button.


showConfirmDialog( "window1.title", "window1.message", 
    function() {
      // do something if user has confirmed the choice
    function() {}, 
        "formCls" : "cls-form-alert",
        "windowCls": "",
        "windowIconCls": "",
        "yesButtonCls": "",
        "yesButtonIcon": "",
        "cancelButtonCls": "",
        "cancelButtonIcon": "",
        "switchButton": "Y", //Y=cancel-ok; N or null=ok-cancel
        "buttonAlign": "center" //"left" or "right"

If you want more buttons you can use this

showConfirmDialogButtons("window1.title", "window1.message", 
        function() {
          // do something if user has selected the button1
        function() {
          // do something if user has selected the button2
        formCls: null, //'cls-form-alert' for example
        buttonAlign: null, //'center' is the default, 'right' or 'left'
        windowCls: null, //'windowCls' for example
        windowIconCls: null, //'windowIconCls' for example
        windowWidth: null, // default 300,
        windowHeight: null, // default 160,
        windowMinWidth: null, // default 300,
        windowMinHeight: null, // default 160,        
        clsButtons: [
        ], //optional, you can set null
      	iconButtons: [
        ] //optional, you can set null
    } //options

The third function shows a message dialog with a title, a message and a "ok" button. A callback function providing the inputed value is invoked when pressing the "ok" button; the modal boolean flag is used to make the dialog modal or not.


showInputDialog3( "window1.title", "window1.message", function(value) {
  // do something with the inputed "value"
}, true, function(){
  //cancel callback
}, "defaultValue", 500, 300, true);

With the forth one, you can open a dialog with a list inside it, where the user can choose one (or more) entries and use a callback function to handle the selected ones.

"My Dialog Title",
500, //Width
300, //Height
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], //My codes (example: IDs)
["First Code", "Second Code", "Third Code", ...], //My descriptions
console.log(entry[0]); //Logs the selected CODE
false, //Only allow one item to be selected
false //Do not let the user close the modal without selecting an entry

You can directly specify title and message in your own language if your application supports one language only, otherwise, you should specify "entries" for title and message whose real translations can be defined through the "Translation" functionality: this feature allows you to add new translations, via "add" button; in this way you can create translations for each language that will be used by these message dialogs. For each message dialog, you should add two rows in the "Translations" list: one for the title and the other for the message entry. For each row, you can leave empty the first cell (Topic), fill in "Id" with the entry (title/message) and fill in all the other dynamic columns with a translation for each language.

If you want more input valued from users you can use:

    "prefix.custom label one",
    "prefix.custom label two"
  ], //labels
  ], //attributes
  function(value) {
    // do something with the inputed "value"
  }, //okFun 
  true, //modal
    //cancel callback
  }, //cancelFun
    "field two value"
  ], //defaultAttributesValue
  [ {type: 'NUM'}, {type: 'CHECK', positiveValue: 'Y', negativeValue: 'N'}] //attrProperties

If you want a confirm by user you can use

Last updated

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