Events and Actions
According to the MVC paradigm, the data model and the views must be decoupled: this philosophy has been respected on the whole product. Between model and view, a controller should be included, in order to manage operations to apply on the views and to listen to events coming from the views. Actions in 4WS.Platform represent the controller: they are invoked by events fired by views (a grid, a form, a tree, a column, a control, a filter control, a tree node, a button) and they perform a presentation logic on the GUI or a business logic on the server side. Actions have a format:
JavaScript– in this case the code will be executed on the GUI
SQL – in this case the code will be run on the server side; it can include more than one SQL statement, separated by ";"
Web service – the web service is expressed as an URL which can include variables (:VARNAME); this web service will be always called on the server layer, so there will not be any limit related the host to invoke.
By means of actions, it is possible to enhance and customize the standard behavior of grids, forms, trees and the other components, by injecting custom code invoked by specific events.
Events and actions work closely: an event provides inputs that an action can use and evaluate; output from actions can represent a feedback for events and can influence the way the component behaves after the event completion. So, for example, it is possible to prevent the data saving when pressing the save button in a grid, using an action linked to a "before saving on insert" event.
It is also possible to create a chain of actions to execute in sequence, starting from a single event: through the action detail form, it is possible to define an optional action to perform at the end of the current one. In case of server-side javascript actions, it is also possible to define an action to concatenate before the current action: in this way, a unique action composed of these two is execute on the server side. This feature allows to reuse code defined on the server by multiple actions, in a similar way to classes linked to a inheritance relationship: a base action can contain reusable code, expressed as declaration of functions, whereas other classes can invoke that code, if they inherit the base action, by declaring it as the class to execute before.
This feature is available only for server-side javascript actions. If inheritance is nedded on client-side javascript actions, this is already possible by defining an action linked to the whole application ("action after render" property defined in the application detail form), containing the reusable code (reusable functions); this code is global, so it can be accessed from any part of the client-side application, so to any client-side javascript action.
Events are defined at panel level and at component level (column, control, tree node, button). In the following table, a list of inputs and outputs for actions are reported, according to the event type, related to grid panels.
The grid name (gridXXX) can be retrieved by opening the list of panels and identying the current pane: the last column in the list (javascript name) reports the grid name to use.
The local variable vo represents the javascript object linked to current grid row; if you need to read the value of a specific cell, use the related attribute name; example: vo["attribute1.attribute2"]
The local variable rec/record represents a wrapper of the javascript object linked to current grid row; starting from this wrapper, you can access so some utility methods/properties: – the javascript object linked to the current row; if you need to read the value of a specific cell, use the related attribute name; example:["attribute1.attribute2"] record.set("attributeName1.attributeName2", valueToSet] – method used to change the value of a specific cell, identified by the specified attribute name
In javascript actions, you can also perform common operations: – number of rows in grid = value; – pass to HTTP request the specified parameter; in order to read that parameter on the binded business component on the server side, you have to specify it in the where clause of the business component; bear in mind that if the variable in the where clause is :VAR_NAME, then the parameter passed through baseParams must be expressed in "camel" format, i.e. varName; – force grid reloading; – clear up the grid content
gridXXX.mode – current grid mode;you can use it to check out the current grid mode and then perform custom logic.It can have 3 different values:
gridToolbarXXX.enable() or gridToolbar.disable() – enable/disable all buttons in the toolbar
gridToolbarXXX.insertButton.enable() or disable() – enable/disable the insert button of the grid’s toolbar
gridToolbarXXX.updateButton.enable() or disable() – enable/disable the update button of the grid’s toolbar
gridToolbarXXX.detailButton.enable() or disable() – enable/disable the detail button of the grid’s toolbar
gridToolbarXXX.reloadButton.enable() or disable() – enable/disable the reload button of the grid’s toolbar
gridToolbarXXX.deleteButton.enable() or disable() – enable/disable the delete button of the grid’s toolbar
gridToolbarXXX.exportButton.enable() or disable() – enable/disable the export button of the grid’s toolbar
In the following table, a list of inputs and outputs for actions are reported, according to the event type, related to form panels.
The form name (formPanelXXX) can be retrieved by opening the list of panels and identifying the current pane: the last column in the list (javascript name) reports the form name to use.
The local variable vo represents the javascript object linked to current form row; if you need to read the value of a specific control, use the related attribute name; example: vo.attribute1.attribute2
In javascript actions, you can also perform common operations:
formPanelXXX.baseParams.parameter = value; – pass to HTTP request the specified parameter; in order to read that parameter on the binded business component on the server side, you have to specify it in the where clause of the business component; bear in mind that if the variable in the where clause is :VAR_NAME, then the parameter passed through baseParams must be expressed in "camel" format, i.e. varName
formPanelXXX.reload(); – force form reloading
formPanelXXX.mode – current form mode. You can use it to check out the current form mode and then perform custom logic. It can have 3 different values:
formToolbarXXX.enable() or disable() – enable/disable all buttons in the toolbar
formToolbarXXX.insertButton.enable() or disable() – enable/disable the insert button of the form toolbar
formToolbarXXX.updateButton.enable() or disable() – enable/disable the update button of the form toolbar
formToolbarXXX.detailButton.enable() or disable() – enable/disable the detail button of the form toolbar
formToolbarXXX.reloadButton.enable() or disable() – enable/disable the reload button of the form toolbar
formToolbarXXX.deleteButton.enable() or disable() – enable/disable the delete button of the form toolbar
formToolbarXXX.exportButton.enable() or disable() – enable/disable the export button of the form toolbar or hide() – hide/show toolbar
In the following table, a list of inputs and outputs for actions are reported, according to the event type, related to tree panels.
The tree name (treePanelXXX) can be retrieved by opening the list of panels and identying the current pane: the last column in the list (javascript name) reports the tree name to use.
In the following table, a list of inputs and outputs for actions are reported, according to the event type, related to components.
In the following table, a list of inputs and outputs for actions are reported, according to the event type, related to grid columns.
A special kind of javascript action is the one where the written code, executed on the GUI layer, is used to call the server side, via an Ajax call. There are 2 ways to invoke the server side: invoking a resource class on the server side, e.g. using the utility method
invoking a predefined resource class, used to invoke a business component having the task to execute a SQL statement (contextPath+"/executesql") or a web service from the server layer (contextPath+"/executesql/executewebservice").
Another javascript function provided by platform that you could include in your client-side javascript actions is the one used to manually manage a file upload:
The syntax for this function includes the following arguments:
title; can be null, in that case, a default title is shown
enabled true: upload button is enabled, false: upload button is disabled
fileName file name to set in the input field; if it is not empty, then a “Download” and “Preview” buttons are shown too
dirId directory id on the server side where saving the file to upload
beforeUploadCallback callback function invoked just before the uploading; format:
afterUploadCallback callback function invoked after the uploading; format:
errorOnUploadCallback callback function invoked in case of errors on uploading; format:
settings - optional javascript object containing additional settings, expressed as attribute-value:
acceptMimes: a string containing a list of mime types, separated by comma; example: "image/jpg,image/png" - used to filter the content to upload
encriptAttachments: true|false - specify if content to upload must be encripted on the server side; in such a case, content must be undecripted when reloading it leater
panelId: ... // panel id related to this upload process
Through this arguments you can for instance show a modal dialog prompting the user to select a local file and upload it in the specified folder identified by dirId. After that, you could use the same modal dialog to show a previously uploaded file, through the “Download” or “Preview” buttons, in case you have filled the “fileName” arguments.
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