How to auto-show a window from login

If you need to automatically open a window belonging to a Platform application, from an external client, after a successful login, you can use the optional request parameter functionId.

Please bear in mind that you cannot access to Platform windows without a successful authentication, so first you need to show to login window and pass to such a page the funtionId parameter (or any other required parameter). In case of a correct log-on, Platform will automatically show the specified window and pass forward the required parameters, that you have to pass in the initial URL too.

Example of a login URL + auto show window + required parameters:


where <myfunctionid> identifies the window to open and <paramname1>, <paramname2> are the required window parameters, expressed in camel case.

<myfunctionid> value can be retrieved looking at the source code generated by Platform when opening the window (it is the function name) or can be guessed starting from the window title: it can be either the title in came case + spaces replaced by underscore (e.g. "Confirmed Order" -> function id = confirmed_order) or with the same rule and a get at the beginning (e.g. "Managed Orders" -> function id = getManagedOrders).

The window parameter names can be easily retrieved by open in the App Designer that window and look at the Input Parameter folder: you have just to convert such names in camel case.

Last updated