How to set content to a Google Map linked to a grid or form

A Google Map panel is automatically filled starting from the business component linked to it:

  • if it is connected to a list business component, it will show a list of pins, one for each record read

  • if it is connected to a detail business component, it will show one pin only, related to the record read

In any case, the record must provide some fields:

  • latitude

  • longitude

  • label linked to the pin

It is possible to manage the map content dynamically, for instance by reloading the pin in the map each time a row in another grid is selected. The same is possible if latitude and longitude coordinates are provided dynamically from a detail form, which contains these two fields too. In these scenarios, the business component linked to the map is not useful: it is used just to define the fields definition the map is supposed to read. In case of a map connected to a grid, a javascript action must be defined and connected to a row click event. This is an example of the javascript action:

try {

/* the markers must be defined "globally" */

if (googleMap181.mmarkers==null)

googleMap181.mmarkers = [];

/* used to remove any previous pin */

for (var i = 0; i < googleMap181.mmarkers.length; i++) {



var rec = grid161.getSelectionModel().getSelected();

var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(['latitudine'],['longitudine']


var marker = new google.maps.Marker({

position: myLatLng,

map: googleMap181.getMap()



var mapBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();




} catch(e) {


The value "googleMap181" reported in the example above must be replaced with your own value: 181 represents the id of the map panel.The variable "vo" reported above is the value object related to the grid’s row currently selected. Moreover, a second javascript action must be defined an linked to the map’s event "map rendered": this event ensures that the map’s pin is set only when the map has been correctly created and rendered. This is an example of such a kind of action:

try {

/* the markers must be defined "globally" */

if (googleMap181.mmarkers==null)

googleMap181.mmarkers = [];

/* used to remove any previous pin */

for (var i = 0; i < googleMap181.mmarkers.length; i++) {



googleMap181.cache.marker = [];

var rec = grid161.getSelectionModel().getSelected();

var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(['latitudine'],['longitudine']);

var marker = {



marker: {title:['note']},

listeners: {click: function() {}}



var mapBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();


googleMap181.cache.marker = [];





} catch(e) {}

The value "grid161" reported in the example above must be replaced with your own value: 161 represents the id of the grid panel. In case of a detail panel who manages the map content, a similar javascript action should be defined, where the starting record is retrived in the classical way:


Typically, this action is then linked to a "after form loading" event.

Last updated

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