How to customize the alert message content

It is possible to customize the notification list on the top-bar in terms of:

  1. layout and colors, through CSS classes

  2. additional commands to include, through an optional application parameter

Customizing Layout and colors, through CSS classes

In the following section we suppose the notification system has been already set up.

It is possible to customize a few settings about the notification list, through a series of CSS classes:

  • alertButton - this class is linked to the whole notification container; it csan be used to set a max width, change border, etc.

  • chatnotificationlist - this class is related to the title on the top of the notification list; it can be used to change its height or font size/style, etc.

  • chatnomessage - this class is related to the message showed when there is not any message to show (empty list)

  • chatmarkasreadall - this class is related to the command "Mark all messages as read"

  • chatmarkasreadchatmsg - this class is related to the command "Mark chat message as read"

  • chatmarkasreademailmsg - this class is related to the command "Mark email message as read"

Apart from the CSS classes, it is possible to customize the notification through a series of application parameters, located in the ALERT sub-section:

Parameter name


Show title in the alert message list (def. N)

Flag Y/N. If not specified, no title bar is showed on the top of the notification list. If set to true, the default text "Notification list" is viewed. This text can be customized through the translations functionality, by setting the entry: "chat.notificationlist"

Disable click on alert message (def. N)

Flag Y/N. If not specified, Platform will listen to the click event on a message reported in the notification list and automatically open a message detail window. If set to Y, the listener is removed and it will be up to the developer to optionally open or execute some other action on the click event.

Alert message template

This represents the content of the message to show in the notification list. This is a template, i.e. the real content to show is reckoned starting from this template + data in input, where each variable expressed as {varname} within the template is replaced by the corresponding value in the message in input.

Note: if the Alert message template has not been specified, the default value is:

<td class="chatnote" >{typeIcon}</td>
    <td width="100px" class="x-menu-list-item-chat">  {from}  </td>
    <td width="200px" class="x-menu-list-item-chat" onClick=\'{openUrl}\'><b>{title}</b></td>
    <td width="150px" class="x-menu-list-item-chat">  {dt}  </td>
    <td align="right" class="x-menu-list-item-chat chat-icon-close" onClick=\'{markAsReadUrl}\'></td>

The supported variables are:

  • typeIcon - can be: mail or chat or alert

  • from - username of the user sending the alert message

  • openUrl - a javascript command to open the standard message detail window, i.e. manageClickOnItem(createDate, userId, note, destinations, pk.logType, pk.logId, conversationId)

  • title - the message text, i.e. CON60_LOGS.NOTE field value

  • dt - the formatted date+time of the message

  • markAsReadUrl - a javascript command to mark the message as read, i.e. markMessageAsRead(createDate, userId, note, destinations, pk.logType, pk.logId, conversationId)

Additional commands to include, through an optional application parameter

Through the application parameter ALERT -> "Command list to add to the alert dialog", it is possibile to include additional commands to add just after the default commands (close, close all) and before the alert messages.

The value required by this parameter must be a JSON string represeting a list of objects, having the following attributes:

  • text - (mandatory) the command text (it can be translated, if needed, through the Custom section in the Translation feature)

  • css - (optional) define an optional CSS class name to use for this item

  • cmd - (mandatory) define a javascript function expressed as a string with brackets, to invoke when clicking on the command; this function must be declared at global level (

  • itemId - (optional) the internal name for this command; it can be used to refer the command and access to it, for example to enable/disable it at runtime


[{ "text": "Apri", "css": "red", "cmd": "openWindowxxx()", "itemId": "mywindowxxx" },{ "text": "Salva", "css": "red", "cmd": "openW()","disabled": true }]

Note: pay attention to the attribute names, which must be included between double apex ".

Once defined these commands, it is possible to access them, through a utility method on the UI:

var command = getAlertCommand(String itemId);


    var commandxxx = getAlertCommand("mywindowxxx");
    commandxxx.setDisabled(true); // disable the specified com

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