Inside a business component

Platform allows to specify SQL instructions including binding variables.

These binding variables are always defined using the notation:


where XXX is the variable name, always in upper case.

These variables will be automatically replaced by the corresponding values available at user session level.

The user session is composed of a set of variables:

  • predefined variables, automatically set by Platform, when the user logs on

  • custom variables, defined using the addCustomApplUserVars server-side javascript method

  • input parameters, passed to the business component, defined in the business component definition window (input pars subfolder)

The predefined variables are:

Variable name



application identifier


server base url


company identifier (used in case the app supports partitioned data)


site identifier


current user


device id, i.e. a unique identifier for a specific device (more specific than the username)


current user


absolute path within the mobile device, where files are stored;it is a folder inside the “customFiles” default app folder.


current date


current date+time


current year


current latitude


current longitude


current altitude


current speed


current app versione


last sync date

Last updated

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