
In this area you can find information about a series of topics very common when creating web or mobile applications.


Here you can find information about built-in functions available when working with server-side javascript. This can be used either in server-side javascript actions or in javascript business components.

In any case, these actions/components can be invoked both by the web tier of a web application and from a mobile app.

This section includes:

  • Designing a Web Service - best practises about a correct definition of a web service through a server-side Javascript action

  • Server-side Javascript Debugger - how to use the embedded debugger for server-side javascript actions

  • Server-side variables - used within server-side javascript actions or javascript business components

  • Server-side Javascript API - reporting all the built-in functions available and that can be used in your actions/components

  • REST API - how to invoke a server-side javascript actions or built-in functions from external applications

A sub-section of the server-tier is represented by GAE actions, which are a sub-type of server-side javascript, which is not executed inside a Standard Platform server, but it is executed within Google App Engine (GAE).

Web tier

Here you can find information about built-in functions available when working with javascript to run within your web tier, i.e. the User Interface shown in the browser.

This section includes:

  • Client-side variables - used within client javascript actions

  • Client-side Javascript API - reporting all the built-in functions available and that can be used in your client actions

Mobile tier

Here you can find information about built-in functions available when working with javascript to run within your mobile app. This can be used either in mobile javascript actions or in javascript business components.

In any case, these actions/components can be invoked only locally from your mobile app.

This section includes:

  • Mobile variables - used within mobile javascript actions or javascript business components

  • Mobile Javascript API - reporting all the built-in functions available and that can be used in your actions/components

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