Google Sheet

Google Spreadsheets can be accessed starting from Platform, using a server-side javascript action, where a few utility methods are available to read and write content on the sheet.

In order to do it, the Google Cloud Project referring a Google Spreadsheet must be set up, i.e. a few global parameters in the GOOGLE group must defined:

  • Google Service Account Email

  • Google Service Account Key (p12 key Base64 encoded)

Of course, a Google project administrator must have defined a service account key and its private key, described above.

After doing it, any spreadsheet belonging to the same Google Domain can be accessed, as long as the document has been shared with the user account specified in the utility javascript method.

Reading a cell in a spreadsheet

This method allows to read a cell within the specified sheet.


var values = utils.getGoogleSheetData(
    null, // valueRenderOption
    null // dateTimeRenderOption

Arguments meaning:




Defining the global parameters to access the Google Cloud Project is not enough to get access to a specific Google Spreadsheet: in order to do it, a valid email address (google user account) must be specified here; this email is related to a user belonging to the Google Domain connected to the GCP and this user must have grants to access (at least for reading) the Google sheet



this is a javascript Array containing a list of ranges; each range is a String expressed as s single coordinate (e.g. "A1") or like an interval (e.g. "A1:B2"). See the example below for more details.


optional: can be null


optional: can be null


the return value is always a javascript Array, containing as many cells as the ones required by "cellsRange" argument; in the easiest case, when requesting a cell only (cellsRange = ["A1"]), the return value is: ["value"], always expressed as a string; in case of date cells, the string format is "dd/MM/yyyy". In case a range of cells have been requested (cellsRange = ["A1","B2"]), the return value is: [["value1"],["value2"]], where each element is always expressed as a string; elements are grouped per row. In case of date cells, the string format is "dd/MM/yyyy"; numeric values are always expressed as strings too.

Examples of cellsRange:

["A1"] - get one cell only: A1; the returned value is: ["value"]
["A1,"B2"] - get 2 cells: A1 and B2; the returned value is: [["valueA1"],"[valueB2]], since there are 2 distinct rows
["A1:B2"] - get 4 cells: A1,B1, A2, B2; the returned value is: [["valueA1","valueB1"],["valueA2","valueB2"]]

Setting cells in a spreadsheet

This method allows to write a cell or more than one, within the specified sheet.


var nrOfCellsUdated = utils.updateRangeGoogleSheet(
    null, // valueInputOption

Arguments meaning:




Defining the global parameters to access the Google Cloud Project is not enough to get access to a specific Google Spreadsheet: in order to do it, a valid email address (google user account) must be specified here; this email is related to a user belonging to the Google Domain connected to the GCP and this user must have grants to access (at least for reading) the Google sheet



this is a String, representing either the single cell to set or a range of cells, specified as "COORD1:COORD2" (e.g. "A1:B2"). The "vos" argument must be defined according to the number of cells to set (i.e. same number of values), otherwise the method will fire an exception


optional: can be null


this is a javascript Array containing all values to set, having as many values as the number of cells to update, specified in "cellsRange" argument. These values must be organized in rows (sub-arrays). In the easiest case (cellsRange = "A1"), this argument must be set with [["value"]]. In a more complex scenario (e.g. cellsRange = "A1:B2", i.e. 4 values to set), this argument must be defined as [["valueA1","valueB1"],["valueA2","valueB2"]]. Here a number can be passed as it is (not converted to String).


    "...", // userEmail
    "...", // spreadsheetId
    "A1", // cellsRange
    null, // valueInputOption
); // update ONE only cell

    "...", // userEmail
    "...", // spreadsheetId
    "A1:B2", // cellsRange
    null, // valueInputOption
); // update 4 cells

Clear up cells in a spreadsheet

This method allows to clear up cells within the specified sheet.


var nrOfCellsUdated = utils.clearRangeGoogleSheet(

Arguments meaning:




Defining the global parameters to access the Google Cloud Project is not enough to get access to a specific Google Spreadsheet: in order to do it, a valid email address (google user account) must be specified here; this email is related to a user belonging to the Google Domain connected to the GCP and this user must have grants to access (at least for reading) the Google sheet



this is a String, representing either the single cell to set or a range of cells, specified as "COORD1:COORD2" (e.g. "A1:B2").

Deploying an AppScript

Google allows to deploy an already existing AppScript, starting from the web service described here:

In order to do it successfully, a few requirements must be satisfied:

Once all these data are avaiable, you can execute the deployment of an AppScript by getting first a Google Auth Token.

Plaform provides a server-side javascript method you can use to get such a temporary token (do not save it, since it expirers after a few minutes).

var googleAuthToken = utils.getGCPAuthToken(
    "...", // the email address of the owner/editor of the AppScript
        "" // permissions to be granted

where "serviceAccountEmail" and "serviceAccountKey" can be

  • either set to null if you want to reuse the service account credentials defined as global parameters in the GOOGLE section

  • or specified directly

In any case, it is up to you to provide credentials where the permission "https:// auth/ script.deployments" has been assigned at GSuite level.

Once you successfully get such an auth token, you can invoke the web service provided by Google to execute a new deployment, starting from the version of the AppScript already set:

var scriptId = "...";
var versionNumber = "..."; // info already available, since the AppScript must have been already versioned at least once

var json = utils.getWebContent(
        "scriptId": scriptId,

The response JSON string can be something like:

  "deploymentId": "...",
  "deploymentConfig": {
    "scriptId": "...",
    "versionNumber": 1,
    "manifestFileName": "appsscript",
    "description": "abc"
  "updateTime": "2021-02-12T12:31:54.141Z",
  "entryPoints": [
      "entryPointType": "WEB_APP",
      "webApp": {
        "url": "",
        "entryPointConfig": {
          "access": "MYSELF",
          "executeAs": "USER_DEPLOYING"

Executing an AppScript

When an AppScript has been deployed as a web app, it is possible to start it in two alternative ways:

  • within a web browser where the user is authenticated in the Google SSO (and he has a GSuite account having the grants to execute an AppScript)

  • on the server side

The execution on the browser is possible starting from the URL returned by the deployment task.


Note: you CANNOT use this URL to execute an AppScript on the server side, since it is based on the Google SSO authentication in a browser and what this link returns is HTML, interpreted by the browser.

See also to see additional requirements to respect.

In order to execute the AppScript from the server-side, Google provides an web service you can use to run a specific function declared within the AppScript.

See also to see additional requirements to respect, including permissions to define at GSuite level in order to execute the AppScript and any additional libraries referred by it.

You can use the previous method to get a Google auth token to execute such a web service:

var json = utils.getWebContentWithHeaders(
      "function": "yourFunction",
      "parameters": [
      //"sessionState": string,
      "devMode": true // it is up to you to decide how to set it
    null, // user
    null, // pwd
    null, // charset
        Authorization: "Bearer "+googleAuthToken
    } // headers

Getting an auth token

An alternative way to run an AppScript is starting from an auth token, used instead of the one generated on the fly using the method described above. You have to follow this approach in case you are not able to assign the right grants to the OAuth2 credentials in use.

In order to generate a token, you need:

  • an email address belonging to your Google domain, having "edit" grants on the AppScript

  • the whole list of grants (scopes) this token must include, in order to run the AppScript (look at the AppScript editor to get such a list)

  • OAuth2 credentials to use to get the token

  • enable your Platform installation to receive this token from Google service; in order to do it, go to the Google Cloud Platform Console -> API and Services -> Credentials, select your OAuth2 credentials and in the "Authorized redirect URIs" insert a new line with your Platform installation (e.g. https://<yourhost>/<platformwebcontext>/oauth2callback ) and be sure to save this additional setting

At this point, you can create a server-side javascript action to use to

  • authorize the Google Sheet API calls once, starting from the the OAuth2 credentials, the auth scopes and the email address associated to the auth scopes

  • generate each time an auth token, starting from the OAuth2 credentials, the auth scopes and the email address associated to the auth scopes. The action content changes according to the timing, as described below.

When you run this action for the first time, you will get back a temporary URL (you can use it once).

var json = utils.generateGCPAuthToken(
    "youemailaddress@youdomain", // email address to use 
     "", // your oauth2 client id
     "...", // your oauth2 client private key
    "https://<yourhost>/<platformwebcontext>/oauth2callback", // the same defined in the Google Console above
    [... ] // your auth scopes, used later when running the AppScript
var outcome = JSON.parse(json);
// outcome can contain either:
// { url: "..." } // authorization URL to put in a browser once to authorize
// or
// { token: "..." } // the auth token to use, if the authorization URL has been used previously

if (outcome.url!=null) {
  // interrupt your elaboration, since you need first to authorize the operation
  throw "Copy and paste this URL to a browser:\n"+outcome.url;
else {
  var token = outcome.token;
  // you can continue with your elaboration, using this token

The last (manual) step is opening a web browser, log on in Google SSO with the email address specified above and then navigate through this link (look at this URL on the Platform log, search for the pattern "Authorization URL".

Google will prompt the user to accept the specified scopes and finally invokes the callback in Platform to generate the permanent token.

Once authorized the operation, Platform saves the credentials and authorizations internally.

Any subsequent invocation to generateGCPAuthToken will get back a valid auth token.

Create a spreadsheet

This method allows to create a spreadsheet and his sheets.


var risp = utils.createGoogleSpreadsheets(
    String userId, 
    String spreadsheetTitle, 
    String[] sheets
var spreadsheetId = risp.spreadsheetId;

Arguments meaning:




Name of spreadsheet


List of name for sheets

Create sheets in a spreadsheet

This method allows to create a list of sheet in a spreadsheet.


var risp = utils.createGoogleSheets(
    String userId, 
    String spreadsheetId, 
    String[] sheets

Arguments meaning:




Id of spreadsheet


List of name for sheets

Delete sheets in a spreadsheet

This method allows to delete a list of sheet in a spreadsheet.


var risp = utils.deleteGoogleSheets(
    String userId, 
    String spreadsheetId, 
    Integer[] sheetIds

Arguments meaning:




Id of spreadsheet


List of sheet id to delete

Duplicate sheet in a spreadsheet

This method allows to duplicate a sheet in a spreadsheet.


var risp = utils.duplicateGoogleSheet(
    String userId, 
    String spreadsheetId, 
    Integer sourceSheetId, 
    Integer insertSheetIndex, 
    Integer newSheetId, 
    String newSheetName

Arguments meaning:




Id of spreadsheet


Id of sheet to copy


Index of new sheet


id of new sheet


name of new sheet

Copy sheet in a different spreadsheet

This method allows to copy a sheet in a different spreadsheet.


var risp = utils.copyGoogleSheet(
    String userId, 
    String spreadsheetId, 
    Integer sheetId, 
    String destinationSpreadsheetId

Arguments meaning:




Id of source spreadsheet


Id of sheet to copy


Id of new spreadsheet

Get list of sheet from spreadsheet

This method allows to get the properties of the list of sheet from spreadsheet.‌


var risp = utils.getSheets(String userId, String spreadsheetId);


var risp = utils.getSheets(String spreadsheetId);

Arguments meaning:




Id of source spreadsheet

Last updated

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