Image File

Convert a TIFF image to a JPEG image


utils.convertTifToJpg(Long tifDirId,String tifFileName,Long jpgDirId,String jpgFileName,Float compressionFactor);


tifDirId - folder identifier, where the input TIFF imagefile is already stored 
tifFileName -TIFF image file name, stored in the folder identified by tifDirId 
jpgDirId- folder identifier, where the JPEG image will be saved 
jpgFileName- file name for the JPEG image to create 
compressionFactor- positive number <= 1.0, used to define the compression factor the JPEG image

Scale a jpg image, using width & height

Create an image jpg file, starting from an already existing jpg image file and scale it, using a new width x height.


    Long srcJpgDirId,
    String srcJpgFileName,
    Long destDirId,
    String destFileName,
    Long maxWidth, 
    Long maxHeight

Scale a jpg image, using a scale

Create an image jpg file, starting from an already existing jpg image file and scale it, using a scale to reduce/enlarge it.


    Long srcJpgDirId,
    String srcJpgFileName,
    Long destDirId,
    String destFileName,
    Double scale

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