Generic SQL execution (NO SQL queries)
int value: number of processed rows
string value: sql to execute; it can contains ? or :XXX
num value; it can be null and used to specify a different db to use with the sql statement
boolean value; if true, the SQL instruction is executed on a separated transaction which is immediately committed (as for a REQUIRE_NEW EJB directive)
boolean value; if true, an erroneous SQL instruction fires an exception that will interrupt the javascript execution; if false, the js execution will continue
this is optional: you can omit it at all, or you can specify a series of arguments separated by a comma (do not use []); these additional parameters represent values which replace ? symbols in the sql statement.
An :XXX variable can be replaced by vo or params values
Note: every SQL instruction will be logged.
Generic SQL execution (NO SQL queries) without logging it
int value: number of processed rows
string value: sql to execute; it can contains ? or :XXX
num value; it can be null and used to specify a different db to use with the sql statement
boolean value; if true, the SQL instruction is executed on a separated transaction which is immediately committed (as for a REQUIRE_NEW EJB directive)
boolean value; if true, an erroneous SQL instruction fires an exception that will interrupt the javascript execution; if false, the js execution will continue
this is optional: you can omit it at all, or you can specify a series of arguments separated by a comma (do not use []); these additional parameters represent values which replace ? symbols in the sql statement.
An :XXX variable can be replaced by vo or params values
Note: the SQL operation will not be logged. This method csan be useful with bulk operations, whose execution could slow down if a log message were produced for each execution.
SQL query execution
string value: list of json objects, i.e. the result of the query execution
string value: sql to execute; it can contains ? or :XXX
num value; it can be null and used to specify a different db to use with the sql statement
boolean value; if true, the SQL instruction is executed on a separated transaction which is immediately committed (as for a REQUIRE_NEW EJB directive)
boolean value; if true, an erroneous SQL instruction fires an exception that will interrupt the javascript execution; if false, the js execution will continue
this is optional: you can omit it at all, or you can specify a series of arguments separated by a comma (do not use []); these additional parameters represent values which replace ? symbols in the sql query.
An :XXX variable can be replaced by vo or params values
SQL query execution with very long result sets
From 5.4.0 version
In case of a SQL query returning a very long result set, it is NOT recommended to use the previous method, since it gives back the whole result set at once, which is dangerous because it can consume a large amount of memory on the server.
A better solution is represented by the following method, where the result set is read row by row: for each row, a callback function is invoked, in order to process it.
Consequently, this method cannot be coupled to the user interface, since it would mean that all data would be read in the end. This approach is good when the row processing does not involve the UI, but some other operation on the server side, like writing a text file, starting from the result set.
string value: the name of a callback function, defined inside the action, which will be automatically invoked for each record read from the SQL query. This method must have an argument, which is a js object, representing the record
string value: sql to execute; it can contains ? or :XXX
num value; it can be null and used to specify a different db to use with the sql statement
boolean value; if true, the SQL instruction is executed on a separated transaction which is immediately committed (as for a REQUIRE_NEW EJB directive)
boolean value; if true, an erroneous SQL instruction fires an exception that will interrupt the javascript execution; if false, the js execution will continue
this is optional: you can omit it at all, or you can specify a series of arguments separated by a comma (do not use []); these additional parameters represent values which replace ? symbols in the sql query.
An :XXX variable can be replaced by vo or params values
A more complex example is the one reported as follows, where the SQL query result set is coupled with the export of records to a CSV file on the server file system. The CSV file is built by writing row by row, using an optimized approach based on 3 steps: opening the output stream, writing multiple lines, closing the output stream:
Example of an optimized approach for reading data from a SQL query + writing data on a CSV file
Execute the specified SQL query and enrich it by adding filtering/sorting and pagination settings
These settings can be defined through ListCommand object automatically created when this method is invoked through a "Server JS business component" connected to a grid panel.
base SQL query
optional data source id (a number)
flag used to define if this query has to be perfomed in a separated transaction
flag used to defined if the whole server side transation must be interruped and roolbacked in case of errors
optional (can be expressed as [] in js) list of parameters binded to ? variables in the SQL query
In case of a complex SQL query including aliases, it could be needed to decode the field (to filter/sort) from the grid panel into an alias. You can do it through a specific utility method:setDecodeField(fieldToDecode, decodedField).
In this way, you can control exactly which fields to apply in case of filtering or sorting conditions.
Stored SQL function execution
string value: the result of the function execution
string value: stored function to execute, including its parameters between parenthesis (see example below); it can contains ? or XXX
num value; it can be null and used to specify a different db to
boolean value; if true, the SQL instruction is executed on a separated transaction which is immediately committed (as for a REQUIRE_NEW EJB directive)
boolean value; if true, an erroneous SQL instruction fires an exception that will interrupt the javascript execution; if false, the js execution will continue
array value: can be []; it represents values which replace ? symbols in sql
String: name of table for calculating progressive
String: column name of field to calculating progressive
boolean value; if true, the SQL instruction is executed on a separated transaction which is immediately committed (as for a REQUIRE_NEW EJB directive)
boolean value; if true, an erroneous SQL instruction fires an exception that will interrupt the javascript execution; if false, the js execution will continue
Long: new value of counter
String: name of table for calculating counter
String: column name of field to calculating counter
String: increment value for counter
String: where condition for query
boolean value; if true, the SQL instruction is executed on a separated transaction which is immediately committed (as for a REQUIRE_NEW EJB directive)
boolean value; if true, an erroneous SQL instruction fires an exception that will interrupt the javascript execution; if false, the js execution will continue
additional data source to use when executing this SQL statement; if set to null, the default database connection will be used
Get the current date
helpful when executing a SQL query and a bind variable should be filled out by a dynamic value which is the current date.
Execute synchronously a server-side JS action
A new SQL transaction is created for this action.
action id related to the action to execute
value object to pass
request parameters to pass; read on the other side through reqParams.xxx
request headers; read on the other side through reqHeaders.xxx
Execute synchronously a server-side JS action on the same transaction
The same SQL transaction is reused for this action. This method is recommended in case of database locks when executing the action: a lock usually means that the logic executed here works on the same data managed by the calling action and both are trying to write the same records. In such cases, it is not correct to execute a second action on another transaction, so this second method is the right one to use.
Bear in mind that errors (javascript exceptions) fired during the execution of this action will be affect the main action too, since it is the same transaction. If you do not want that data written by the main action will not be rollbacked, use try-catch keywords to surround the executeActionSameTransaction instruction.
action id related to the action to execute
value object to pass
request parameters to pass; read on the other side through reqParams.xxx
request headers; read on the other side through reqHeaders.xxx
How to get the field names and types for every fields in the select clause of a SQL query to execute
This can be helpful when creating programmatically a grid and there is the need to know how to format data.
SQL query to execute, in order to fetch information about each field in the select clause
optional parameter (can be null); it defines the additional datastore to use when executing the query
boolean flag used to define if the SQL query must be execute on a separated transation or not
boolean flag used to define if the executing of the current server-side javascript program must be interrupted in case of an errore during the execution of the SQL query
list of parameters required by the SQL query, one for each binding variable; if not needed, set to []
the list of select fields is expressed as a JSON string, having the following format: [ { "fieldName": "FIELDXX", "fieldType": 1|2|... }, { … } , …] where the fieldType reports the field type according to the JDBC Java.sql.Types notation.
Execute a SQL insert instruction, starting from a javascript object, instead of defining explicitelly the SQL script.
a Javascript object containing the data to save in the specified table; data is related to the table fields and each object attribute name is expressed in "camel" format, i.e. if the table field has name PRODUCT_CODE, the attribute name must be productCode
table name to use when creating the SQL insert instruction; field names as retrieved starting from the data model linked to the current table name: that means that it is mandatory to define a (writable) data model for that table, before invoking this javascript method; values are fechted starting from the obj argument
optional parameter (can be null); it defines the additional datastore to use when executing the SQL insert
boolean flag used to define if the SQL query must be execute on a separated transation or not
boolean flag used to define if the executing of the current server-side javascript program must be interrupted in case of an error during the execution of the SQL query
true in case of SQL instruction executed correctly, an exception otherwise
Execute a SQL update instruction, starting from a javascript object, instead of defining explicitelly the SQL script
a Javascript object containing the data to save in the specified table; data is related to the table fields and each object attribute name is expressed in "camel" format, i.e. if the table field has name PRODUCT_CODE, the attribute name must be productCode
table name to use when creating the SQL update instruction; field names as retrieved starting from the data model linked to the current table name: that means that it is mandatory to define a (writable) data model for that table, before invoking this javascript method; values are fechted starting from the obj argument
this boolean flag can be set to true to force the conversion of ‘’ string values to null; it can be helpful to clear up some table fields
this boolean flag can be used to force to null every table field not referred in the javascript object but defined in the linked data model
optional parameter (can be null); it defines the additional datastore to use when executing the SQL update
boolean flag used to define if the SQL query must be execute on a separated transation or not
boolean flag used to define if the executing of the current server-side javascript program must be interrupted in case of an errore during the execution of the SQL query
true in case of SQL instruction executed correctly, an exception otherwise
Execute a SQL delete instruction, starting from a javascript object, instead of defining explicitelly the SQL script
a Javascript object containing the data to delete in the specified table; data is related to the table fields and each object attribute name is expressed in "camel" format, i.e. if the table field has name PRODUCT_CODE, the attribute name must be productCode; only fields which are part of the primary key will be taken into account
table name to use when creating the SQL delete instruction; field names as retrieved starting from the data model linked to the current table name: that means that it is mandatory to define a (writable) data model for that table, before invoking this javascript method; values are fechted starting from the obj argument: only the attributes related to the primary key will be used
optional parameter (can be null); it defines the additional datastore to use when executing the SQL delete
boolean flag used to define if the SQL query must be execute on a separated transation or not
boolean flag used to define if the executing of the current server-side javascript program must be interrupted in case of an errore during the execution of the SQL query
true in case of SQL instruction executed correctly, an exception otherwise
How to extract a binary object from a BLOB field
In case you need to extract the binary content from a BLOB data field of a relational database, you can use the following server-side javascript function, which allows you to get its content and convert it to a Base64 String.
This String value can be easily passed forward to the web UI or to a Jasper Report template, for example as a JSON attribute and later refer it within the report and map it to an Image.
identifier for a data source; it can be set to null (default Platform repository scheme)
SQL query to execute, in order to extract the BLOB field value; the query should always include a single field in the SELECT clause, the BLOB type field and can include in the WHERE clause variables expressed as :XXX or ?
javascript list containing the values for the bind variables reported in the SQL query and expressed as ?
This method returns a String whose content is the Base64 representation of the BLOB field content.
Call a business component from a server-side js business component
It is available a js function to invoke from within a server-side js b.c. (not from an action) to call another business component.
Basically, it can be used to pass forward all request parameters received in input from the starting b.c and get a response to use as the final result to pass back.
identifier for the b.c. to call; bear in mind that all request parameters received from the current b.c. are automatically passed forward to the one specified here; optionally, you can replace request names through the other function arguments
it can be null; if specified, it is a js object containing additional request parameters to pass forward; for example, if you wanna call a b.c. for a detail, input parameters a required (the ones expressed as :XXX in the called b.c.); you can use this argument to specify these input parameters, if not already available in the starting b.c. input
it can be null: if specified, it is a js object containing mappings between request parameters in input and the new request parameter name which must replace the one mapped; e.g. { itemCode: "codice", description: "desc" } in case the UI passes itemCode and description request parameters and you need to pass foward to the called b.c. different parameter names
it can be null: if specified, it is a js object to use ONLY in case of a b.c. for lists; it represents a sub-case of the previous argument: it works only on quickFilterNames and filterNames request attributes and it goes into depth to these values and replace attribute names with new ones
Example of a server-side js b.c. invoking a b.c. for grids
Example of a server-side js b.c. invoking a b.c. for a form
Execute bulk insert/update from a SQL query
Use this method when you need to copy data from one table to another, having the same structure (in terms of field types and mandatory constraints), for example from one SQL schema to another.
This is the fastest method to execute inserts or updates (or both), it can save up to 300.000 records in 30 seconds.
The javascript object "settings" contains a few attributes:
selectSql: a mandatory String type attribute, containing the SQL query to execute in the source schema; this SQL query can contain aliases and bind variables
selectParameters: an optional java.util.ArrayList containing the values for the bind variables specified in the SQL query
srcDataStoreId: an optional numeric type attribute, identifying the source database schema by its datasource id
insertSql: this String type attribute defines the INSERT statement to execute, expressed with biding variables and in-line values (e.g. NOW(), 'INSERT_USER', 1, etc.); for each field reported in the SQL query, there must be a corresponding bind variable for this INSERT statement and exactly in the same position; you are free to include additional fields in the INSERT clause, whose values do not coming from the SQL query, but they must be filled with in-line values
updateSql: this String type attribute defines the UPDATE statement to execute, expressed with biding variables and in-line values (e.g. NOW(), 'UPDATE_USER', etc.); for each field reported in the SQL query, there must be a corresponding bind variable for this UPDATE statement and exactly in the same position; you are free to include additional fields in the INSERT clause, whose values do not coming from the SQL query, but they must be filled with in-line values. The UPDATE statement ends with the WHERE clause which must be defined with bind variables and must always refer a single record to update. When defining the "updateSql" attribute, you have also to specify the "pk" attribute
pk: this java.util.ArrayList type attribute must be specified as long as you have defined the "updateSql" attribute and it reports the name of the fields in the SELECT clause which are used to fill in the binding variables of the WHERE clause for the UPDATE statement
blockSize: optional numeric type attribute; it defines the amount of records to enqueue before executing all of them and commit such block; if not specified, the default value is 10.000 records
destDataStoreId: an optional numeric type attribute, identifying the destination database schema by its datasource id
Important note: when appending writing operations, these are collected through the JDBC driver in use; it is up to the driver to either pass appended data to the database server or accumulate it on the client side; in the latter case, the memory consumption can increase significantly on the application server and a memory heap error could happen because of that. In order to prevent such a critical error, it is a good practice to limit the amount of collected data to a lower value, so it is better to set the blockSize property to a relatively lower value, like 100 o 500 and pay attention to the memory consumption: do not increase it if you note a potentially critical amount of memory consumed (e.g. hundreds of MB).
Executes once the specified SQL query and for each fetched record:
if updateSql has been specified:
execute massively N updates, where N is 10k (or blockSize if specified)
execute a commit
if there are 0 records updated, only for those ones, execute the insertSql (if specified)
continue until the end of the result set
otherwise, the insertSql must be specified, therefore:
execute massively N inserts, where N is 10k (or blockSize if specified)
execute a commit
continue until the end of the result set
Insert only example
Note that the select fields MUST be in the same order of ? variables in the insertSql statement
Update only example
Note that select fields MUST be in the same order of ? variables in the updateSql statement (there must be as many SET clauses as the number of fields in the select clause)
Note that the "pk" attribute is mandatory in case of "updateSql" and it must contains the field names (or alias) of the select clause field.
Update + Insert example
In this example, a block of 10.000 records are updated; for those records not updated (because they do not exist yet), a bulk insert is performed; in any case, the commit is execute at the end of this block. Then process the next 10.000 records and so on.
Cached progressive calculation
In case you have a progressives table used to calculate a progressive and it is invoked a very high amount of times concurrently, it is likely to have locks or a low performance.
This method can be used to increase the progressives table a lower number of times, since the update is performed on the table rarely, since the writing operation would increase the current value not by 1, but by an "increment" value.
Every time this method is invoked, a new increment is returned without any update operation, since the current value is cached and incremented programatically in the cache, until the max "increment" value is reach: only at that point the update operation is called again.
The operation of Insert a new record in progressives table is also supported.
progressives table already contains the record with current value 1
the method is invoked for the first time with increment value = 1000
the method updates the record with 1+1000 = 1001 and returns 2; cached incremented value is now 2
the method is invoked again and the cached current value is incremented to 3; 3 is returned
the method is invoked for the 1000th time: cached current value is 1001: no more increments can be done;
the record is updated to 1001+1000 = 2001 and returns 1002; cached incremented value is now 1002
Arguments: settings - a javascript object, containing a series of attributes, all mandatory
data source id where the progressives table is stored
string representing the name of the progressives table
javascript array containing the list of fields composing the PK
javascript array containing the values of the PK fields
additional fields to update when increasing the current value on the progressives table
values for the additional fields to update when increasing the current value on the progressives table
field name in the progressives table containing the current value
how much to increase the current value (number)
initial value to set, when inserting the record because not found yet
list of fields in the progressives table to insert; DO NOT include the currentValueField
list of values for the fields to insert in the progressives table
Reading filter parameters coming from the browser
In case you are defining a business component filling a grid and the grid is sending filter conditions to the b.c., these are automatically applied to the "base query" defined within the b.c. through the utils.getPartialResultXXX method.
However, there are cases where you want to apply these conditions in a specific part of the SQL query.
In such a case, it is likely to have a mapping between filter conditions (e.g. applied on attributes a or b) and the field names defined for the ALIAS table name:
Now suppose you want to apply these conditions to the internal table. You can use the utility functions:
The first function would analyze all request parameters and create a "subfilters" String containing the filtering conditions in SQL format, whereas the second function would fill in the "pars" array with the corresponding values.
Note: only filter conditions defined using setDecodedField will be taken into account.
would lead to fill in subFilters and pars with:
At this point, it would be easy to inject the dynamic subfilter conditions to the main SQL query:
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