Working with HTTP


Check if there is an Internet connection available: if there is, then returns "true" (a String), otherwise "false".


execute the HTTP request. Required parameters:

 The return value is a String content.


var url = getBaseURL()+"/executeJs?applicationId=...&appId=...&actionId=...&otherparameters&restfulToken="+getToken();
var json = getWebContent(url,"GET","application/json",null);


execute the HTTP request with headers. Required parameters:

 The return value is a String content.


var url = getBaseURL()+"/executeJs?applicationId=...&appId=...&actionId=...&otherparameters&restfulToken="+getToken();
var headers = {
                header1 : "ABCDEFG",
                header2 : "12345",
var json = getWebContent(url,"GET","application/json",null,headers);


execute the HTTP ASYNC request with headers and callback function. Required parameters:

 The return value is an empty String.


var url = getBaseURL()+"/executeJs?applicationId=...&appId=...&actionId=...&otherparameters&restfulToken="+getToken();
var headers = {
                header1 : "ABCDEFG",
                header2 : "12345",
function callbackAsync(response){
        title : "TITLE",
        subtitle : "html response length: "+ response.length,
        titleButtonSuccess : "ok"
var json = getWebContent(url,"GET","application/json",null,headers,"callbackAsync");

getWebContentLite(url,httpMethod,contentType,bodyContent,headers, Object timeoutMS)

A lite version of getWebContent, this version not manages cookies, session and not refresh token. Use this function when you have to call a physical device like a WI-FI printer.

Since 6.0.1 version

getWebContentAdvanced(url,httpMethod,contentType,bodyContent,headers, timeoutMS)

Works like getWebContent, but the returns consists of:

  • responseCode

  • headers

  • body

the getWebContent instead returns the body directly, or null in case of responseCode different from 200

Since 6.0.2 version

sendFile(url, filePath, fileName, jsCallback);

Invoke a remote serverto pass a local file using the POST HTTP method and the multi-part content type: a file and a filename will be passed. At the end of the sending process, the jsCallback will be invoked. Required arguments:

 url - URL to invoke
 filePath - absolute path (without the file name) in the local file system related to the file to send
 fileName - file name to send; it is located in the absolute path specified through the previous argument
 callback - function name which will be invoked when the file has been successfully sent;an argument is passed to the function, containing the response of the web service invoked

In the following example, a predefined Platform web service is invoked: it has been designed to work withHTTP requests having POST methodand multi-part content-type. Moreover, such a web service requires an action id which will be automatically invoked after sending the file. You can use it to process the file in some way and get back a response to the client.

var myCallback = function(responseFromWebService) {
  // do something with the response
var filePath = ...
var fileName = ....

var url = getBaseURL() + "/executeJs/uploadfile?appId=...&applicationId=...&actionId=...&dirId=...&unzip=false&restfulToken="+getToken();
sendFile(url, filePath, fileName, "myCallback");

ping(ip, successCallback, errorCallback)

If the ip is available call the successCallback else the errorCallback.

Since 6.0.2


Get the connection data and pass it to a callback. This function also save the connection data to server con60.


var fun = functioin(jsonData){
    var data = JSON.parse(jsonData);

    data.downloadRate //in KB/s
    data.uploadRate //in KB/s
    data.latency //in seconds
    data.connectionType // WIFI - UNKNOWN - 2G - 3G - 4G - NO_CONNECTION



Save the connection data on server con60, this function don't block the user interface.


Return the string encode with md5

Last updated