

where XXX is the window identifier (CON08) - open the specified window

openWindowXXX(args, settings)

same of previous method with one more param "settings" to give the windows additional settings. Possible settings parameters:

  • asMainWindow: boolean value to open the window as the first window in the window stack. It is like to open a window from main menu; (Since 5.2.3 version)

  • anchoredToPanel and anchoredToAttribute: Display the modal window in a popup window anchored to the bottom-left corner of the anchor view. If there is not enough room on screen to show the popup in its entirety, this method tries to find a parent scroll view to scroll. If no parent scroll view can be scrolled, the bottom-left corner of the popup is pinned at the top left corner of the anchor view. Works only with modal window. (Since 6.0.1 version)

    • You can use "this" string to open the popup window anchored to the view that triggered the event. (Only works with button's events. Since 6.0.2 version)

  • anchoredGravity: only works on Android, preferred window anchor position, available values are: TOP,BOTTOM,LEFT,RIGHT or a combination of them separated by a pipe. Ex: BOTTOM|RIGHT anchor the window to the bottom-right corner. Default value is BOTTOM|LEFT. (Since 6.0.1 version)

  • preferredOpenDirection: only works on iOs, preferred window position relative to anchored attribute. Available values are:UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT. (Since 6.0.1 version)

var settings = new Object();
settings.asMainWindow = 'Y';
settings.anchoredToPanel = 129;
settings.anchoredToAttribute = 'myBtn';

openWindow123(args, settings);

//es works on 6.0.2 in a button's event
var settings = new Object();
settings.asMainWindow = 'Y';
settings.anchoredToPanel = 'this';
settings.anchoredToAttribute = 'this';

openWindow123(args, settings);


Opens the first window if set, otherwise the about window.


Close current visible window and move back to the previous one.


Close current visible window and after close call the passed function

var myCallback = function(){



Change the title of the window currently shown. Required arguments:


Get the current window id.


Get the current panel id, null if the panel is not available (for example in a window event).


executeAction(actionId, params)

execute the specified Actionand returns the result. actionId: a String with the id of the action to execute; params: an object with params to use in the action to execute. These params are accessible in the action to execute by vo.xxx or vo['xxx']


var myArgs = {};
myArgs.title = "This is the title";
myArgs.message = "This is the message";
executeAction("123", myArgs);

on the action with id 123:

var message = {};
message.title = vo.title;
message.subtitle = vo.message;
message.titleButtonSuccess = "bye";

showMessageDialog(message, null);

executeServerAction(actionId, params)

execute the specified Server Side Action and returns the result.


var params = {};
params.title = "This is the title";
params.message = "This is the message";
String jsonRet = executeServerAction(123, params);
The code above corresponds to do this:
String url = getBaseURL() + "/executeJs?applicationId=APPLICATION_ID&appId=APPLICATION_ID&actionId=123&restfulToken=" + getToken(); 
var params = {};
params.title = "This is the title";
params.message = "This is the message";
String jsonPars = convertToObjectJson(params);
String jsonRet = getWebContent(url, "POST", "application/json", jsonPars);

asyncFunction(jsCallback, paramArray, timeout)

Call the function passed in jsCallback with params specified in paramArray.

function asyncCallback(param1, param2){
    for (var i = 0; i < param1; i++) {
        log("Test: " + i + " " + param2);
asyncFunction("asyncCallback", [5,"Red"]);

//Test 1 Red
//Test 2 Red
//Test 3 Red
//Test 4 Red
//Test 5 Red


Convert a javascript list returned by the executeQuery method to a JSON string having format: [{....},{...},...]


var listResponse = getPartialResult(
  "SELECT ...",  
var json = convertToListJson(listResponse.rows);
var res = '{ "moreRows": false, "valueObjectList": '+json+' }';
return res;


Convert a javascript list returned by the executeQuery method to a JSON string having format: { moreRows: ..., valueObjectList: [{....},{...},...] }


var listResponse = getPartialResult(
  "SELECT ...", 
var json = convertToListResponseJson(listResponse.rows,listResponse.rows.length,listResponse.moreRows);
return json;


Convert a javascript object contained in the list returned by the executeQuery method to a JSON string corresponding to that object.


var listResponse = executeQuery(
  "SELECT ...", 
var json = convertToObjectJson( list[0] );
return json;


start the synchronization task


Send to server the sql instractions of data modified. This operation not is a total sync.

changeCredentials(username, password)

replace the current account with the one specified through "saveCredentials" method and use it by now

saveCredentials(username, password)

save the specified username and password in a permanent area


Logout the current user and show the login form (if login in enable).

Since 5.3.2 version


Enable only the passed roles, if you want filter the menu leaves you have to call also restartApp('N') method.

var allRoles = userInfo.userRolesIds;
if(userRolesIds.indexOf("9") > -1){
    filterUserRoles(["9"]); //filter only the role 9
    restartApp('N'); //restart the app without do sync


remove the start window.


change the menu type used by the app


change the username associated to the app


Set the icon on the app drawer.


setDrawerIcon(""); //to remove the icon

setDrawerDescriptionRow1(text, color)

Set the text on the first row on the drawer. setDrawerDescriptionRow2(text) and setDrawerDescriptionRow3(text) are the same.


setDrawerDescriptionRow1("Lorem ipsum"); //set the first row
setDrawerDescriptionRow2("Lorem ipsum 2", "FF0000"); //set the second row red
setDrawerDescriptionRow3("Lorem ipsum 3"); //set the third row



If menu provide a description in the topbar, update the description.

6.0.1 version

Supported menu: left menu

setTopbarRightCharacter(charcter, backcolor, forecolor)

If menu provide a user-char icon update it.

6.0.1 version

Supported menu: left menu

setTopbarButton(title, icon, width, actionId, showNotificationBadge)

if the menu allows you to add a persistent button in the topbar, use this method to add it. We recommend using this method after the app's display event. This feature is useful when you want to show a button to manage notifications. The button can have a text, an icon or both.

6.0.1 version

Supported menu: left menu


Change the icon of the button create with method setTopbarButton.

6.0.1 version

Supported menu: left menu



Get a parameter value passed to the current panel (trough the window args variable). Required parameters are:


//From the window "A" I open the window "B"

//Window A
var args = {
    param1: "MyCustomParam"

//Window B
getPanelParameter('param1');   //Output: "MyCustomParam"


Generate an image of the panel shown in the app, identified by idPanel and save it in the local file system. The method gets back the absolute path + image name for the just generated screenshot.

Required arguments:

return the absolute path + image name for the just generated screenshot.


Uses the following methods to add or remove items in a queue, the queue is accessible in all client side JS.

These methods are very useful when working with asynchronous and callback methods.

atomicEnqueue(String queueName, Object object)

Atomically adds an item to the queue, returns the number of items in the queue

Since 6.0.1 version

atomicDequeue(String queueName)

Remove the first item from the queue and return it

Since 6.0.1 version

atomicQueueTop(String queueName)

Return the first element of the queue without removing it

Since 6.0.1 version

atomicQueueClear(String queueName)

Empty the queue.

Since 6.0.1 version



Return an internal string representation of the current date (with "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" format) plus an amount which can be specified with different formats, that can be used when creating javascript objects to insert/update and you need to pass a date. Required parameters are:


var s = getCurrentDate();
log("Current date with format yyyy-MM-dd "+s);

s = getCurrentDateAndTime();
log("Current Date with format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss "+s);

var dt = new Date();
var l = dt.getTime();
s = addDate(l);
log("Current date with format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss "+s);

s = addDate(l,"DAY",1);
log("Current date + 1 day with format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss "+s);


Return the current date in string with format yyyy-MM-dd. Use the device time zone.


Return the current date and time in string with format yyyy-MM-dd. Use the device time zone.


Return the current date in string with format yyyy-MM-dd. Use GMT time zone.

Since 5.3.1 version


Return the current date and time in string with format yyyy-MM-dd. Use the GMT time zone.

parseDate(dateString, format, inputGMT);

Parse the passed string with the passed format and returns the timestamp.

var timestamp = parseDate("2019-01-01 12:30:00", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", true); //return 1546342200000
var jsDate = new Date(timestamp);

Since 6.0.1 version

stringifyDate(dateTS, format, outputGMT)

Convert the passed timestamp with the passed string format and return it

var timestamp = 1546342200000;
var stringDate = stringifyDate(timestamp, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", true); //return "2019-01-01 12:30:00"

Since 6.0.1 version


logger(logMessage) or log(logMessage)

Log a message in the internal app console, in order to see it in the Log Panel.

Note: There is also the "log" standard javascript method, used to log on the app console, but in this case, the messages will not be visible in the Log Panel.


where XXX is the previewidentifier (CON12) - reload the content of thepreview panel

var args = new Object();


reloadChartPanel(panelId, args)

where panelId is the previewidentifier (CON12) - reload the content of thepreview panel

var args = new Object();


Note that you won't find the args in the server side VO (since the server call is made through a GET request, hence no request body is present). You can find the arguments as parameters in the reqHeaders.referer.

For simplicity, here is a snippet to copy the parameters in the VO.

//Splits the ? and only considers the parameters (after ?)
var tmp = reqHeaders.referer.split('?')[1];

//Splits the & to separate all the parameters, then cycles the array and separates the name from the value
tmp = tmp.split("&").map(function(tmp){ return tmp.split("=")});

//Cycles the parameters and pushes each value inside the vo, under the same name
for(var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++){
    vo[tmp[i][0]] = tmp[i][1];


where XXX is the form identifier (CON12) – reload the form content

var args = new Object();

loadHTMLOnPreviewPanel(XXX, html)

where XXX is the previewidentifier (CON12) - load the htmlin the preview panel

var html = "&lt;html&gt;&lt;body&gt;.....&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;"


loadURLOnWebView(XXX, url)

load the url passed in a webview

var url = "https://www.google.it/"


showCardPanel(cardPanelid, panelid)

Switches from a card to another inside a cardPanel. Required parameters are:


Open the browser whith url


Vibrate with a given pattern. Pass in an array of longs that are the durations for which to turn on or off the vibrator in milliseconds. The first value indicates the number of milliseconds for which to keep the vibrator on before turning it off. Subsequent values alternate between durations in milliseconds to turn the vibrator off or to turn the vibrator on.

NOTE: the pattern only works in Android device


var sosPattern = [100,30,100,30,100,200,200,30,200,30,200,200,100,30,100,30,100];


Returns the translated string corresponding to the key.



Hello World

formatNumber(number, format)

Returns the text formatted in the given format and use the language of the logged in user.

var format = "#,##0.##";
var value1 = 1234.3;
var ret = formatNumber(value1, format)  //return 1'234,4

setWindowButtonSelected(buttonId, selected)

Select the window button with the specified Id.

POSRequestPayments(host, port, keepSocketOpen, requestImport, printOnPOS, successCallback, errorCallback)

Select the window button with the specified Id.

Since 6.0.1 version

btoa(String stringToEncode)

Creates a base-64 encoded ASCII string from a binary string.

Since 6.0.1 version

atob(String stringToDecode)

Since 6.0.1 version

Decodes a string of data which has been encoded using base-64 encoding.


Since 6.0.1 version

Encrypt the passed password using PBE algorithm


Since 6.0.1 version

Decrypt the passed password using PBE algorithm

sendAnalyticsEvent(category, action, label)

Since 6.0.1 version

Log an event to Google Analytics


Since 5.3.2 verion

Play the sound with the fileName passed. The file must me stored in the mobile app context in the subfolder "sounds".

Last updated